Thursday, February 28, 2008

Spring BREAK!!!!!!!!!!

YAY!! Off to spring Break we go… I can not WAIT until I leave this campus and place my feet in the sand of Gulf Shores. All I can say is that it better be hot because I can not stand this cold nonsense. I hate cold weather, it is so depressing. All it makes everyone want to do it cuddle up in bed and get nothing done! What is the fun in that? None! I really hope the sun is out the whole entire day that way we can all come back with a sun kissed Tan!* Why else would I want to go to the beach!? I really hope everyone has a safe and fun spring break whatever they are doing. Just relax and take some time for yourself and think about all the hours you are not at school; and worship it! The only thing I am scared about is coming back and having a ton of work still to do. I was planning on waiting and finishing my paper but now I am definitely going to try to finish both before spring break because I know I will not be in the mood to want to do homework when I get back!
Word count=205

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

What a Night!

Guess what? Okay so I ended up going to the basketball game tonight and it was really fun because we won by a a lot and we went with a bunch of friends which is always fun! Memphis ended up killing Tulsa so Ha all you stinky Vols fans!! The game was a great time but on the way there was not and on the way back was also not a good time because we almost got in a wreck both times. On the way there, we were trying to cross over from southern and there was a train coming but there were no arms at all! We started to go over, and at that time the train was not that close, but then we got stuck on the tracks! The car in front of us stopped and the car behind us blocked us in and the train was still ROLLING!! Don’t worry I lived, obviously! I am writing this! Then afterwards we were just riding along Patterson and this car starts flying out of the driveway and I screamed at Megan to GO and she hurried and slammed on the gas and luckily the car missed us by a hair. So actually tonight was a GREAT night!
Word count=210


Should I go to the game or not? Yes, I know that I need to support Memphis Tigers and it would be fun but then again I do not want to go all the way down there, pay for parking and then it not be a good game. Well actually now that I say that, I want it to be a good, close game but then again at the same time I do not want it to be a close game because then that means that we might loose and it we loose to Tulsa, I will not be able to handle it! Especially after what all we did last night celebrating University Of TENNESSEES LOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think everyone at Memphis was watching that game cheering on Vandy. My dad said that we actually should have been rooting for UT because it would help out our rank but along with what everyone else believes as well; I do not care about the rank all I care about is the fact that UT IS NO LONGER NUMBER ONE! I think everyone up there in nasty knox know realized that too after last night. After we rubbed it in there face for hours and hours. Hey they did it to us, it just came back to bite them in the butt!
Word count=218

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I have been working on my second part of my English paper about School Assessment for Memphis City Schools and have found some rather unpleasing percentages! How much of the population of Memphis has graduated high school? Even worse how many do you think have graduated college? Get ready…Only 25.6% residents in Memphis have a college degree and 51.5% with high school diplomas. Citizens of Memphis wonder why there are numerous amounts of homeless people, people living off welfare, and family’s who can not even pay there own bills, and this is the reason. The board of education claims that it is because of the loss of goals. It is as if they are living in a cycle of downfall. If their parents did not attend college why should they? That is why the Board of Education for Memphis City School’s adopted the brand “Every Child, Every Day, College Bound.” It is not enforcing the students that everyone of them absolutely have to go to college, but rather helping them realize that everyone of them “can” and our now given the opportunity to go to college. The district is saying that it believes “every child should be educated as if they were!”

Monday, February 25, 2008

Did we really loose!??????

I really can not believe we lost to UT. It is not the fact that we lost because truthfully like Callipari said, we may have needed this lose before we go into the tournament, but did it HAVE to be to the University of Tennessee!? I swear I think I would have rather lost to like a four year old team, just because I can not stand UT fans. I was going to stand in line all day to go to that game and I think I am glad I did not because I would not have been able to handle those fans after the game. I had friends from high school calling me obnoxiously singing their ridiculous fight song. Okay they have been number one for what an hour and there already bragging about something that they will only have for 2 more days until they get killed by Vandy! Some other UT students/ friends starting sending us messages asking if we were embarrassed to go to school at Memphis now? 1st of all, we had been number one for almost 3 or 4 weeks! Why in the world would be embarrassed! They are just so annoying. All I can say is that I can not wait until they get beat…and it better this WEEK

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Memphis City Schools

I have been looking up a lot of background history for Memphis City Schools. I have found a lot of interesting, yet quite depressing percentages. MCS' graduation rate is currently 66 percent, meaning that 34 percent of MCS students drop out or don't finish high school with enough credits to earn a diploma
Tennessee’s graduation rate is 81% which actually is not that bad but then again it is just high school. That does not mean they HAVE to go to college. High School is not that hard, you mostly just have to attend class and do your assignments and you can easily pass. I am just trying to figure out whether the problem is caused by the parents’ or teacher‘s lack of interest. From the research I have gathered, it is mostly the product of both.
To think even more depressingly, “Only a quarter of the city's population has a college degree.” It is just hard to see our city, Memphis, not following the flow of the future. Now a days graduate school is like college, it is about to become another required step in school. I just hope Memphis keeps up with that flow and does not fall back.
Word count=201

Memphis Tigers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have we ever been number ONE ranked in the UNITED STATES for this long!? That is right, No! I am so excited but so scared at the same time. I want to just go yell in the streets how awesome we are but then again that might just jinx us and I am definitely not doing anything to jinx us. I mean really, what if we win the whole thing! What is going to happen?! Let’s just say, we BETTER get out of school! Christian Brothers High School used to get out of school if any of their teams one; even their pom pon team and they did not even attend Christian Brothers!
I am so nervous for this Saturday. Especially after last Saturday’s UAB game. I was not able to watch it. I was babysitting 6 kids and the parents went out to watch the game because they have direct T.V. and could not receive the channel so I was stuck at the house with no T.V., no radio, and just screaming kids all night and NO CLUE WHAT WAS GOING ON! I heard how crazy and close it was so I watched the last minute on you tube! Haha I just hope that they step it up and start playing amazing for this UT game! This Saturday is going to be insane! Beal St. is going to be INSANEEE!! I can not decide whether I want to even try to go down there and wait at the forum for 14 hours and then still maybe not even be able to get into the game! All I have to say is… TIGERS BETTER KILLLLLLLLL UT!
Word count=279

why is jail so easY!?

Okay so I am trying to study anatomy because I have a big quiz tomorrow that I really do not know that much about and I am all hyped up on sugar because I have had way to much sweet tea so I can not focus but mostly because I keep thinking about something and it is driving me crazy. I just do not understand why we do not have harsher punishment for criminals. I mean really, lets think about it this way. Your homeLESS, as in no home at all, no food at all and no money, AT ALL. What in the world would be holding you back from winning a free prize of free housing, food, and the best library in the state of Tennessee? That prize being jail to us but in their eyes a “home.” To them, nothing because it is not like jail is worse than what they have been doing. So what are they going to do, because crime in Memphis so they can hurry and take that “go to jail card.” That is why crime keeps on happening because there is really no harsh punishment. If we actually did punish them, they would not do it! I say if they steal, you cut off a finger. What ever they do; we do to them; instead of just giving them free rent and food for a couple months and then off they go to repeat the cycle.
Word count=243

School Shooting Continued

Just as the title says, school shooting still CONTINUES. When is it going to stop because normally like any other thing, if the scale is rising, it is just going to keep rising.
There is a difference in a kid bringing a gun to school and a person who is mature enough to know that they did not just bring it for “show and tell.” Not saying that either one is okay at all, it is just on two different extremes. I just do not and can not understand how someone can first of all kill themselves but even worse, kill others before committing the first sin. It is like as if they were not coward enough to kill themselves, they have to end others lives as well, and why, to make themselves feel better? I really just can not imagine what that boy’s parents are going through who shot himself AND the other people in Illinois. I just feel so bad for the parents having to go through that. They said that he did not take his prescriptive medicine that day. How many people in America with psychological problems do you think forget to take there medicine every day? Millions, but they are not all killing people. I just do not understand how this can REALLY happen?
Word count=222

School Shooting

I have always wondering how someone could have the courage to bring a gun to school. I guess just because I have always grown up knowing that pretty much my life would be over in a second. Not because of the fact that it could literally kill a person but more of, just knowing that if I got caught, I was dead meat either way. If I did not go to jail my parents would for sure send me off to some mental hospital. I just do not understand how KIDS do not have enough sense to know how serious guns are. They are not just play toys that kill toy soldiers but then just wake up for the next game. I just think it is because they were not RAISED to know that. They grew up in communities that DO use guns all the time. And they kill people all the time so it just seems as “something to do.” When are parents going to explain and actually talk to there kids, the ones who should just be playing with GI Joe men and not real, fully loaded guns, that they are not just toys, but rather a death switch.
Word count=203

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Music Concert

Music Concert!
I attended a concert tonight which was my second one to attend. Trust me, normally I would not have gone to a concert on a Wednesday night and miss the Tigers play basketball but I had to. I thought I was prepared and knew mostly what was going to happen. I was wrong. I think it was because this time the performers were not the same as last concert. When I walked in the door I was given a pamphlet of the members of the East China Normal University orchestra. I could only read about three paragraphs because the rest was all in Chinese! I was worried that if I could only read half of the pamphlet then I bet I was only going to be able to understand half of what they were saying. I was thinking wrong about two things. The performers were a combination of East China Normal University and The University of Memphis orchestra and since it is a “concert” it really did not matter what language they spook, music has no specific language for each country!
The orchestra was made up of so many players. It made me feel as if I was attending some music show on Broadway. For some reason I always relate these songs to movies. The beginning of the concert reminded me of the recent movie “August Rush” about a symphony in New York City.
The first song “Spring Festival Overture” started off very slow and calm. It made me feel as if I was on a boat in the ocean. I felt as if something amazing was about to happen. It gave me the feeling of excitement. All of a sudden it changed to happy, fun fast moving music. It made me feel as if I was running away and wandering through flowers on a “Spring” day, relating back to the title. It reminded me of music out of Disney movies, especially Bambi or Snow White! It was so neat because there were so many instruments! The combination and the result was awesome! This song was definitely my favorite out of all the songs!
The one thing I learned from the concert tonight is that no concert can be the same as another concert. Even if it is the same song, not one player can play exactly the same way as another person.
Word count=393

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

REVISED vote essay

Get Into the Election
What are so called voters? It is one who “makes a formal expression of opinion or choice, either positive or negative, made by an individual or body of individuals.” Would we allow doctors whom were about to perform surgery on one of our family members to “vote” on which is there favorite surgical technique to use? No, we want them to use the “best” approach, the one they have studied and known is right! If they do not use the correct surgical procedures then they are not accomplishing the best result, they are “just doing, it to do it.” That goes the same for voting, if you are not going to be well informed about the candidates, then do not just go post a random ballot only based on worthless, silly opinions.
The article “Let’s Not Get out the Vote” is an argument towards Thomas Jefferson’s statement “Get out the Vote.” The main difference between these two slogans is the time period. When Thomas Jefferson was president, voting had just become a right for our citizens to be able to pick who would lead our country. Obviously when people were allowed to vote, it was an honorary deed to do so. It is as if you had nothing planned for next Saturday and someone just happens to give you their UT-Memphis basketball tickets! They would almost feel obligated to go, just because they know how big of an opportunity it is. They may not be big, all out Memphis basketball fans but would still wear blue just to support their team! Why did they choose to go to that game? They not only chose to attend the game but the supported and “wore blue” just as voters back in Jefferson’s era not only chose to vote but were educated and informed about each candidate.
That idea is the main struggle in our generation today. So many slogans pop up on television, the streets, and the newspapers. Slogans such as: Vote Today, Make your Choice, Cast YOUR Vote” to encourage the citizens to go to the polls and make their decision. The slogan that I best remember is “Vote or Die.” It was always shown on MTV ads during last year’s election. Yes, Music Television, as in the show that mostly no one over the age of 20 watches. Now there may be some very intellectual citizens under the age of 20, but not that many. If they see this slogan, they are just going to feel extremely obligated to cast a vote. They do not care if it is for the right person and the most qualified candidate; at least that is not what the slogan portrayed right? I just turned eighteen and remember people asking me if I was going to vote. I just responded with a quick yes because I was afraid they would be mad if I did not. Now if asked again I would say “No, I am not going to vote this election because truthfully I have no idea who the candidates are. Sure, I could tell you there names and maybe whether or not they are Democrat or Republican, but other than that, not a thing. I do not feel ashamed that I am not voting because I would just feel worse knowing that I chose a candidate which soon may represent my country, only because of their name.”
Another factor of voting that I think is a big mistake is choosing a candidate based on their party. I understand most Democrats want to have a Democratic President and same for Republicans but do they truly know each of there personalities and goals they wish to reach while in office, or did they just been following them only because of their party name? I think one reason that we do not care to get involved with their real backgrounds is because we are all naïve. I will admit I am one of those naïve citizens of America. We believe that nothing really bad is going to happen to our country. Sure we see it happening to other countries everyday but no, not ours. It is as if every president is just given a button to push that contracts the super down over America that protects us from everything. I am not wishing upon any harm to our country. I just wonder what it is going to take for us to realize we do not have a protective shield over us? I just hope we realize before we are shown.
Throughout this essay many points have been made as to why “Get out the Vote” is not the best slogan to use, especially in this generation. “Let’s not get out the vote” is a slogan that comes across as total opposite as “Get out the Vote.” It may persuade some citizens to not vote. I think the best slogan for this year’s election should be “Get Into the Vote.” It will convince citizens of America to research the candidates, actually understand what is going on, and to not just go to the polls and cast a vote randomly.

1st draft on Voting!

Get Into the Election

What are so called voters? It is one who “makes a formal expression of opinion or choice, either positive or negative, made by an individual or body of individuals.” Would we allow doctors whom were about to perform surgery on one of our family members to “vote” on which is there favorite surgical technique to use? No, we want them to use the “best” approach, the one they have studied and known is right! If they do not use the correct surgical procedures then they are not accomplishing the best result, they are “just doing, it to do it.” That goes the same for voting, if you are not going to be well informed about the candidates, then do not just go post a random ballot only based on worthless, silly opinions.
The article “Let’s Not Get out the Vote” is an argument towards Thomas Jefferson’s statement “Get out the Vote.” The main difference between these two slogans is the time period. When Thomas Jefferson was president, voting had just become a right for our citizens to be able to pick who would lead our country. Obviously when people were allowed to vote, it was an honorary deed to do so. It is as if you had nothing planned for next Saturday and someone just happens to give you their UT-Memphis basketball tickets! They would almost feel obligated to go, just because they know how big of an opportunity it is. They may not be big, all out Memphis basketball fans but would still wear blue just to support their team! Why did they choose to go to that game? They not only chose to attend the game but the supported and “wore blue” just as voters back in Jefferson’s era not only chose to vote but were educated and informed about each candidate.
That idea is the main struggle in our generation today. So many slogans pop up on television, the streets, and the newspapers. Slogans such as: Vote Today, Make your Choice, Cast YOUR Vote” to encourage the citizens to go to the polls and make their decision. The slogan that I best remember is “Vote or Die.” It was always shown on MTV ads during last year’s election. Yes, Music Television, as in the show that mostly no one over the age of 20 watches. Now there may be some very intellectual citizens under the age of 20, but not that many. If they see this slogan, they are just going to feel extremely obligated to cast a vote. They do not care if it is for the right person and the most qualified candidate; at least that is not what the slogan portrayed right? I just turned eighteen and remember people asking me if I was going to vote. I just responded with a quick yes because I was afraid they would be mad if I did not. Now if asked again I would say “No, I am not going to vote this election because truthfully I have no idea who the candidates are. Sure, I could tell you there names and maybe whether or not they are Democrat or Republican, but other than that, not a thing. I do not feel ashamed that I am not voting because I would just feel worse knowing that I chose a candidate which soon may represent my country, only because of their name.”
Another factor of voting that I think is a big mistake is choosing a candidate based on their party. I understand most Democrats want to have a Democratic President and same for Republicans but do they truly know each of there personalities and goals they wish to reach while in office, or did they just been following them only because of their party name?
Throughout this essay many points have been made as to why “Get out the Vote” is not the best slogan to use, especially in this generation. “Let’s not get out the vote” is a slogan that comes across as total opposite as “Get out the Vote.” It may persuade some citizens to not vote. I think the best slogan for this year’s election should be “Get Into the Vote.” It will convince citizens of America to research the candidates, actually understand what is going on, and to not just go to the polls and cast a vote randomly.

Monday, February 11, 2008


I am just going to tell a funny story I heard today. In my sorority we all get beta fish! Well my friend was given one and at first she was so excited. For some reason though she is actually terrified of fish. Not really the fact of looking at them but just like having to feel them when she changes and cleans the bowl. So obviously she never cleaned him, Fred, she made her room mate do it. The bowl sits on their bathroom counter and yesterday her friend was JUST in her room but then just left, so all of a sudden she was washing her hands and accidentally hit the bowl, it shatters, and the worst thing is, she was all by her self! Fred went flying on the ground with all the broken glass! She started crying because she did not know what to do to. She wanted to pick Fred up but was so scared because she hates touching sliming things like that. I know if she really loved Fred she would have just done it.. But she was selfish huh!? Haha She said she just kept getting water and pouring it on the fish and every time it would kind of jump a little bit! So she called her room mate and she had to drive back up there to pick up Fred and return him safely to his home. Turns out Fred is STILL alive swimming around in one of their cereal bowls!

word count=251

Sunday, February 10, 2008

?!... Just think!

Have you stopped and just taken the second to think where you are in life? Like we are just going through the motions but never actually taking the time to realize what we are doing or how we are effecting everyone else we meet? How many people do you think you see in one day!? The more important question is, how many people remember seeing you? There may be no difference whether you just sit inside all day cooped up or actually decide to go outside and see people and not cause any difference. To make an impact on anyone or anything in the world, you have to make an effort. Just saying hi to one person could change a lifetime. They might have been having the worst day ever not thinking they were going to make it until your smile turned everything around! Whenever I am having a bad day I just stop, sit down and think about allll the things I have. It makes me mad at myself afterwards for actually thinking I could possibly have a bad day. No way, just go to St. Jude for an hour and you will be leaving thanking God for everything you have been given. I just wish everyone could see what all they have. Yes, sure there is always someone that is going to have more than you but what specifies more? Their money or material things? Because we all know that does not matter in after life…

Thursday, February 7, 2008


I was laying in bed last night and that is mostly the time when I say my prayers and try to go to bed; but instead I was bogged down with questions just popping in my head and things I should have done that day that I need to do tomorrow but knowing that I would forget. Have you just sat and thought about what is going to be like when you die. Do not get me wrong, I believe in God and eternal life. But sometimes it is just hard to KNOW what it is going to be like since we have not talked to anyone that has gone there. I am not doubting it at all it is just so weird to think about it. I always think about it like hide and go seek and like everything goes black but then all of a sudden the game just starts over; but in our case it does not. Or does it? Do we reincarnate and come back to life. Do we come back as our self or someone or something totally different not knowing at all that I lived on Earth before? With saying that, that means I may have lived on Earth before and had a whole different family. It is just amazing to think that God already has a plan for all of us. So really all we need to do is just sit back and relax and know that everything is going to be okay, and as he planned!
Word count= 255


Haha I have had that same question feeling as I did in my last blog and was just thinking about so many different things. Have you ever been to a physcic? I have not but I also do not think I would want to. Yes, maybe to see the results of short term, like what my grades are for this semester or if I made it through nursing school; but other than that I do not want see what my future entails. What would be the fun in that? Also I would feel as though every action I make will mess up my plans and effect something 50 years down the road. The thing is; it does. Everything I am doing right now, the decisions I am making IS in fact impacting my life somehow. The kicker is, is that someone already knows my life plan, and that is not a psycic. It is God. He already knows everything I will be doing in 30 years or even if I will still be living. It is sometimes hard to realize that, only because it is such a “belief system.” Thankfully we have so many signs and proof that he is our savior; but really, if right now some man came down to Earth and said that he was Jesus, would you believe him? Yes, he did do AMAZING things after that, like raise from the dead and heal many people and changed 1 loaf of bread to feed 1,000s of people and walked on water, but before he did all that; would you be able to trust someone telling you that they are the God?

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


I could not decide what to talk about today and then I thought about how today is “Ash Wednesday.” I am Catholic and so today is the start of lent. 40 days where before Easter, getting ready for Christ. Today we can not eat meat and every Friday until Easter as well. We also pick something that would be very hard for us to give up, and we do, for 40 DAYS! Haha It actually really is hard thought because I am picking desserts and that is my favorite thing in the world, I would much rather have desserts than eat a steak dinner! But whenever I start complaining then I think about how Jesus gave up his whole life for us along with so many other sacrifices throughout his life.
I know this may seem off topic of Ash Wednesday but not really because I am talking about Religion. I do not really understand why there are so many religions that all worship God our savior. In church last week the Gospel was talking about how not to be separated. That all who love God should all be together and not branch out for those branches will be broken. I am not saying any religion is bad at all I just do not understand how all the different types of religion started in the first place and why? Obviously there are some issues that are different but I think the main one, and the biggest one, is that we all believe that God is our Savior. So think about the difference if we were all together; how much more fellowship and worship could we bring and create with one group that big!?
Word count= 275

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Tornado Weather

Doesn’t everyone want to get out of school; whether it be a snow day or random storm that will cancel school? I know I do, I can not wait until spring break that I am actually wishing a storm upon Memphis. The bad thing is, this time it might actually be bad? I just got done with all my classes when I heard the news about all classes and campus activities canceled for today AFTER 2:30 (after all my classes are done for the day, my luck!) I just heard a siren and was wondering if it were the tornado sirens. Then I heard the slightest bit of talking and remembered that it is part of the security plan; even though you can only hear it if you are in the vicinity of 50 ft.
I think the reason that I have never been very scared about tornadoes and truthfully only worked up about the occasion is because I or anyone close to me has never been effected (knock on wood.) It is not that I am actually excited about TORNADOS at all, it is more the fact that it just changes our regular routine. It is really weird because I was born on April 4 and the night before I was born there was a tornado warning. Every year since then, there has been a tornado warning the night before my birthday. Trust me I am not wishing for any bad weather at all, just maybe a false alarm kind of thing that will get us out of school that’s all!
Word count=269

Monday, February 4, 2008


School Days
Oh boy… I am so tired of doing school work I could just scream! I can not wait until Spring Break when we are out of school for a whole week and do not have to worry about any school problems or assignments due the next day, well hopefully at least. I think that I just loved High School too much and now that I am in college it is a big difference. In high school the teachers “guide” you on everything. Everyday they will ask how everyone is coming along and always remind us when the assignment is due. In college, big difference. The teachers expect us to remember when it is due and that if we need help we find it. We have to make all the initiatives our self. Obviously that is how it should be, since we are growing up and that is what college is here for, to get us ready for the real world!
Yes, I love only having 2 or 3 classes a day but the difference is in high school, sure we went to school for seven hours but then when we left school that day, we were done. I maybe had to do an hour’s worth of homework a night and that was not even required. Now we have to study for over 4 or 5 hours a day! I think it is also different for me because I would so much rather have written homework rather than studying because I never know when I have actually thoroughly finished studying whereas a homework assignment- when I finish it is when I stop.
Some days I have to admit I just wish we could be back in middle school!