Thursday, January 31, 2008


This blog is about MLGW’s new rates that will be in effect for this next year. It shows that all of the rates will be increased so to decrease debt. I do not think it is that fair for required companies to keep increasing our rates just so they can get out debt. I mean yea that does solve problems but couldn’t everyone do that? What if the new president came into office and said that taxes are going to be increased 50%. That sounds like a ton right? Well that is how much MLGW raised there “Block” prices. A block price is set price that you have to pay depending on different categories. Right now there are only 4 but in the news plans not only are they increases prices but they added another required Block we all have to pay! If the taxes were raised that much then yea United States could finally return out of debt but who would want to live here then? It is just crazy to think how prices just keep escalating. It always reminds me of the saying “Oh when I was young…,” but it is true our parents paid about $10 to fill up their tank. Who knows what our kids and even grandkids will be paying for gas to put in their cars.
Word count= 210

Faces to Names

Faces to Names
Faces To Names- When opening up this Memphis Blog I had no idea what it was going to be about by the name “Half Bakered.” I was guessing maybe a bakery? That is actually what made me choose to read that one was because of the interesting name. When I opened up the blog, it was a bunch of pictures and interesting facsts about this author. It was so neat to learn all about the man before even reading his thoughts. That is the difference between just reading the newspaper, finding articles there to write about and actually being able to find background information about the person before reading his thoughts. He talked about this man he met and soon found out that they were both Memphis bloggers. They then asked the crowd how many were bloggers and not just one hand went up, but a dozen! I think blogging is kind of like a grown up face book. Most older grown up people do not have face book so if they still want to chat with people they can get a blog! It is a fun way to stay in touch with not only friends but random people who share the same interests and knowledge with you.
Word Count=211

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Strip Clubs

Strip Clubs
This blog is about Memphis’ ordinance to close down strip clubs. I think it would be a great idea to stop prostitution. These people are gaining so much money for such a bad cause. It is like an escape for men to go have beers and watch women dance on polls for pleasure. People are clearly “using” women’s bodies for pleasure. That is not only against all morals but it is a sin. It is sad to think that strippers and prostitutes make more money than half of the people living in Memphis but it is true. What is even more sad is that these strippers and prostitutes feel they have to do this job to make money to live. They are not only trapped in this lifestyle but also literally trapped behind their owners and sometimes even bar to which they are dancing behind. I just think the whole concept of strip clubs are nasty. At first it might upset a lot of people and even the strippers for setting them out of jobs; but in return will not only set them on the right track but maybe even help Memphis. I hope the ordinance passes!
Word Count=202

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Smart City Memphis

I picked a Memphis Blod that I thought would help me with my research on school assessment since we have to start writting the paper today. The title is "Smart City Memphis" and is about changing people's ideas and notions of our city. It mainly focuses on achievement in education though! Obviously right now many people see Memphis as a place that is not safe. Sure there are some places that you may feel safer in but really and truly how safe can you feel if you just finished watching the news for only 5 minutes and hear all the horror stories going on in our own city. Leaders of this article are broadcasting a radio at 6 A.M. on Saturdays and Sundays to talk about our life in the urban city. I think that our community is just excepting the fact that our city is rather rough and harmful. It is like we are giving into the fact and just letting it keep happen. We just need to stand up to it; make news rules of harsher punishment and it will not keep happening. It is just the same as kids not receiving adequate education. Both aspects are just accepting the fact that their are not good enough and they stop trying and just give up.

Word count= 202

Monday, January 28, 2008

giving blood

My room mate just left to go to St. Jude to give platelets. The difference in that an just giving regular blood is that first they take the blood out then filter and then put back the rest of the blood in your body. April, my room mate, said that the only bad thing about it is that it is cold when the blood goes back in the body! She is an Up Till Dawn morale captain so she is required to give platelets. Giving platelets is a lot different that just giving blood. When you give blood it only takes about 5 or 10 minutes at the most. When you give platelets it takes so long that you can start watching another movie after finishing ONE! Giving blood is really needed in our country because only 60% of the blood is actually able to be used on patients. The thing we don’t realize is how much platelets is needed as well because no one wants to sit an extra hour to give blood. I know I would not. I would feel as if I had helped enough by giving blood why should I sit around for another hour or so. I actually think that some blood banks pay you to give platelets. I know that is an incentive for me to give!
Word Count=223

Thursday, January 24, 2008

School Assessment continued

If a boy is raised in a terrible house hold, never taught anything, parents coming and going in and out of jail the only way he is going to learn any education is all up to his teachers. That puts a big load on their part that really should be equaled out by help of the parents. Yes that kid may have a lot of fight in him and may use his parents life as an example that he never wants to experience but for us to believe he is going to be able to educate himself is unrealistic. For us to think he is going to be just as smart as other kids his age is crazy. The sad thing is, is that this happens everyday. This is why schools are filled with students that do not care; because their parents do not care. What is going to give a 17 year old kid the incentive or push to want to learn if his or her own parent does not even care what he or she does. I think the problem may lie at school a little bit but the main factor all relies on the starting point and that is at home.
Word count=205

School Assessment

I picked School Assessment because I want to find interesting facts as to why some kids graduate high school with so much more knowledge while just as many kids if not more can not even read. If I had to make an educated guess today as to where the problem lies; I would mostly guess the parents. I think it all starts at home. If you are not raised to want to succeed then you will not be able to. If you are not pushed to do homework and actually work hard in school then you will also never work hard in school then you will also never work hard in life for anything. It is hard to decide where the fault lies since you can pinpoint different people but I believe it all starts “where it starts.” A kid spends just as much time if not more at home than at school so why should parents think that it is not their problem or even duty to be helping push and teach their own kids to read and write so they can succeed. Whenever you look at a kids and measure their quality, It all depends on how they were raised.
Word count=204

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

crime and punishment

Courtney Bradshaw
English 1020
Professor Sumner
January 24, 2008
Last night when I was hanging out with my friends; somehow we got on the topic about jails and their lack of punishment. I do not understand why the jails are not harsher in punishment. The inmates receive three meals a day and a shelter. It may not be the “best” food or the most comfortable bed but its still food and shelter that people without those things want. Why would a homeless person not want to commit a crime? They just go to jail and get food and a place to live. Unless homeless people actually have morals then they are going to see stealing and crime as a way out of their own misery. It becomes a free ticket to a shelter home, also known as jail. If our punishment was as harsh as other countries we would not have trouble fighting crime because people would be too scared to actually commit any crime. In England if you steal something, they chop off your hand. If our country did the same thing to criminals then crime would be cut in ½ right there. I just do not understand why we are so easy going on criminals. If they had the nerve to commit whatever crime they committed, then they need to suffer, not just sit in a cell with a roof over their head.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Working Out

Courtney Bradshaw
English 1020
Professor Sumner
January 23, 2008
Working Out
This is my first real blog post to ever have. I have heard of people having Blogs but I have never really even looked or read one. My sister said she reads one everyday that is hilarious. I do not think mine is going to be as funny or enjoyable as his but I will try to not make it boring. I know we should have started writing about our topic that we picked in class today but I could not decide which one I wanted to write about so I thought of something random. Today I am going to talk about working out. I actually just got back from running at the school’s Hyper (the workout facility) and that is what made me think about this topic for the day!
Do you ever wonder why working out always seems to make you happy. Even if you did just do the most strenuous and tiring exercise it all seems worthwhile after finishing. Not only is it because you know you are getting your body in a better shape or because you are losing pounds but in fact the reason you get joy out of exercising is because when you workout your body releases endorphins. An endorphin is a natural hormone occurrence in the brain that affects emotion and reduces pain. Endorphins are natural painkillers. Who knew that a person addicted to morphine could just exercise and get the same painkiller effect as actually taking the drug.
I just got back from the gym and just being surrounded by so many people enjoying their time working out mades me happy. I saw Brooxie Davis up their and we started to work out together. Even though the physical aspect of your body doing that much work is hard it is fun being their with others and just messing around.
It is hard to find time to stop everything and go to the gym but it is a commitment you have to make if you want to stay in shape. Sometimes I feel really gross if I do not workout but never to the point where I am mad at myself or get in a bad mood because I did not workout that day. Some people are so obsessed with working out that they have a disease. They feel that they if they do not workout and feel skinny then they mentally do not feel okay as well. Working out can be a great thing but not when it is at the point where you do not have any self confidence if you do not. I think mainly people are so obsessed with how they look because of the images famous people portray now a days. They are having a competition to see who can get the skinniest. It just stinks because now that is the “going thing.” If you want to make it famous you have go to be tiny. It is such a wrong image to represent to young kids and teenagers. You just wonder when all the things totally switched. Back in the olden days if you were pale it meant you were wealthy because you did not have to work out in the yard unlike the tan people who were normally the slaves. If you were really skinny then it showed that you were poor because you could pay for enough food. So obviously everyone that was fuller and plump had a lot of money. Now all of a sudden it is as if it is just the opposite even though money does not matter. I think one of the reasons is because un healthy food is much cheaper. I am sure that McDonalds does have an enticing dollar menu but then you think about how that one hamburger you about to eat is enough calories for a whole entire day it makes you sick. It just stinks that if you are really trying to eat healthier it cost more. Yea you could think that “Oh I’ll just eat less” but that only causes a disease not a healthy diet. It is good to know that the world is moving on to a healthy country but it should not move on to the point where it encourages girls to not eat because supposedly that is what everyone thinks is “in style” and cute. Everyone needs to realize that the healthy and in style look is not ridiculously skinny even though that is what models and actresses are making us believe but rather a healthy body, mind, and spirit!

word count=770


Courtney Bradshaw
English 1020
Professor Sumner
January 17, 2008
The Manifesto of 1020
“a public declaration of intentions, opinions, objectives, or motives, as one issued by a government, sovereign, organization or someone.”
When given this assignment to write a 750 word essay on “Manifesto,” I had no idea what I was going to write about or even what the definition of manifesto was. Once I looked up the definition, I knew that before starting this essay I could actually make my own manifesto to planning how I was going to describe what the meaning portrays to me.
A manifesto can be something as small as constructing your own diet or something as major as preparing a prospective legislation for a country. I bet numerous manifestos were made on New Years. Eager people writing outlines of how they hope their year turns out, new resolutions, or even just a commitment to stop bad habits.
Manifestos are made everyday in every country. Any written agreement of intent may not have the name “manifesto” but has the same outcome in the end. The word “manifesto” is being heard a lot more in England and other countries and not in America because me seem to use other words for the meaning. Our society uses such names as: agreement, plans, and everyday commitments.
The best example of a Manifesto in my eyes is the United States of America’s Declaration of Independence. In 1776, America was finally free from Britain. Men who became leaders that day took a stand and made a Manifesto for this country. Legislation knew it was time for a strategy if they wanted this country to grow in time. Instead of just talking about ideas, they knew they had to write out a great plan to achieve anything. Even back in those days the guys knew that they would get no where but running circles if they did not have a written intent as to how and why they are taking action. It was especially important knowing that if Legislation were to take anymore actions or risks, then every colony, not just one or two, would be wanting to withdraw from the country.
My manifesto is a list of goals I want to achieve in this semester in English 1020 all focusing on helping me become a better writer. I have never been one to enjoy writing in a formal way. I love talking and writing about fun topics. If I understand the topic needed to be written about I do not have a problem at all; it is as though everything just flows and I just type away. I do not have a problem with grammar either. My struggle is finding how to put my thoughts into correct wording in an essay. I want to become an all around better writer! I learned the differences of four different essays last semester. I made good grades but it was only because I was told the steps to take. If just given the assignment to write a synthesis essay, I do not think I could have interpreted the rules and skills just given to me by the title of the essay to understand everything to finish a paper in two weeks. I just want to fully understand in what circumstances to use certain styles or techniques in an essay. Another one of my goals of English 1020 may sound silly but it is always one that I make when joining a new class. I want to make all my classmates become my friends by April. I like having a new schedule each semester so that I can meet six new classes full of friends. I look forward to going to class and being with everyone if it is a fun and friendly environment. That does not mean we do not have to learn anything. I actually do better when I am enjoying myself because I then want to get enthralled with the work and assignments.
I have never had a love for English mainly because I have never really understood it. I enjoyed Grammar class in middle school because there was only one correct answer. It was easy to see the right correction to the wrong answer. Knowing that I could easily fix my mistakes, I never had a fear in my grammar. I dread writing essays because there is not always a blatant right and wrong way of writing. Even thought there is such broad range of outlines for an essay, allowing even more correct ways to write a paper, it just seems as though it is a harder decision for me to choose which is the “right one.” I want to feel comfortable completing any given any assignment by the end of English 1020.