Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Does anybody ever really know what is going to happen to them? It is scary to think about death. I mean I do not really think about it a lot but when I do it always seems to give me the chills. I believe in eternal life but it’s just that we have to have so much faith to believe in it! And I do! It is just hard at times since we have never TALKED to anyone that has been up to heaven. I wonder what it is like. And the thing that really scares me is whether or not I am going to know who my husband is and my family and kids. I always thought so but then in the bible it says everyone is equal in heaven. So if that is the case there would be no difference between any other man and my husband? I do want to know remember who my loved ones were. But it is heaven so obviously everything is perfect. The only thing we should really be worried about is making it to heaven! It is so insane to see how many people do not have faith in God even after he sent his son to Earth. I really look up to all the people who believed in him before Jesus even came to Earth. What strong faith they had!

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